❥Snow Card Captors♡
10:07 PM
❥Skin and lips: VCO
❥Hair: *Dura* *past gift*
❥Bandages: *{( konpeitou )}* humiduki-usagi gach 8: asikiri usagi box @Japonica !
04 {Cubic Captor Cherry} halo gold .::Cubic Cherry::.
12 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Shield .::Cubic Cherry::.
08 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Chang'e .::Cubic Cherry::.
11 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Light .::Cubic Cherry::.
09 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Dark .::Cubic Cherry::.
14 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Sweet .::Cubic Cherry::.
13 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Sleep .::Cubic Cherry::.
07 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Arrow .::Cubic Cherry::.
10 {Cubic Captor Cherry} card~ The Jump .::Cubic Cherry::.
13.SallieLanguage/Crystal Heart/Star Pose Stand
15.SallieLanguage/Crystal Heart/Moon Seat
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