In :Moon Amore:, [^.^Ayashi^.^]


In ::Axix::, @The Arcade

I just came to say goodbye!

In ::Axix::, [CX]

Your falses feelings

In [CX], [LCKY]

I'm everything you wannabe!

In @The Arcade, CURELESS [+]

You Needed Me

In .tsg., @The Arcade

Doom girl X Kill the dj play my song!!! *dubol post!*

In :Moon Amore:, [CX]

❥Broken Doll


Band Heroes.

In ::Axix::, .CIRCUS.

Dream Room

In !Oleander, CURELESS [+]

❥Blogger Day!

In -TWC-, .tsg.

❥Snow Card Captors♡

In -TWC-, :Moon Amore:

❥ Crystal Princess

In -TWC-, .tsg.

Good For You ❥