In AsteroidBox, CURELESS [+]

I'm not a vampire

♡SKIN: pepe skinEYES: Emotional Circus - Magical Eyes LELUTKA @HARAJUKU EVENT!HAIR: MIWAS - Hair #Sarah 'FATPACK' @Equal10NAILS: toksik - Angelic NailsFACE CUT: Oddysee - Enma set @HARAJUKU EVENT!BLOODY LIPS: AsteroidBox. Sabien Outfit - BoM Bloody FaceBRUISES: KITZ'UNE x Circus - Sinful Eye Bruises (50%)BRUISES: KITZ'UNE x Circus - Sinful Forehead Bruises (100%)EYELINER: -Emotional Circus- Bella Muerte Eyeshadow - Helena EyelinerFANGS: Sweet Thing. Fangs &...

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In .CIRCUS., .sweetthing.

Enchanted Garden

♡HAIR: MIWAS - Hair #Mimi 'FATPACK' EYEBROWS: #Mewsery :CryBaby Eyebrows [bom] - white BLUSH: -CIRCUS- Vera Blush - RedEYELINER: -Emotional Circus- Bella Muerte Eyeshadow - Helena EyelinerNAILS: toksik - Angelic Nails (Bento)BUNNY EARS: +Half-Deer+ Velven Bunny Ears (Lightheart)CUFFS: Sweet Thing. Little Lolita Wrist Cuffs (add)COLLAR:+Half-Deer+ Princess Twinklefluff - Crystal Heart Necklace xUMBRELLA: +koii+ haru umbrella / fatpack @Sakura Matsuri 2021COLLAR DRESS: Insomnia Angel . detachable...

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In -SU!-, :Moon Amore:

Stay in Focus

♡-Body- Skin: Pepe SkinsHair: .Olive. the Tabby HairNails: :Moon Amore: Sanctified Nail Art -FATPACK-Makeup-.Emotional Circus. - Bella Muerte  Makeup collection / Coming soon!!!.Emotional Circus. - Lipstick Bella Muerte + Bella Muerte eyeshadow - Revenge color !.Emotional Circus.- Helena Eyeliner + Helena eyeshadow Dead ! IVES. Zaira Brows. (GENUS) 'FATPACK'-Accessories-Choker: .random.Matter. - Woojin Choker - OnyxEarrings:  SEKA's HELLion EarringsBracelet: SEKA's Punkette WristRings: -SU!- Ysabelle Set - Rings - (Maitreya) /14/ RAREButterflies:...

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You'll be my bloody Valentine

♡Skin: Pepe SkinsHead: LeLUTKAHair: tram J0928Eyes: -CIRCUS- magic eyes  / Coming Soon!Makeup: -CIRCUS- Bloody Valentine Set / Coming Soon!Markings: Oddysee - Mercury Markings Nails: toksik - Angelic Nails (Bento)Collar:  AsteroidBox. Bailey JewelryRings: -SU!- Ysabelle Set - Rings - (Maitreya) /14/ RAREArrow:  CUREMORE / Love Thief / Lovestruck - RED BLOODTiara: CUREMORE / Love Thief / Goddess Tiara / BLACKHalo: ANTINATURAL[+] Lost Saints / Holy Halo / GOLDFur: CURELESS[+] The Twelfth Night / Alpine Fur...

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In :[P]:, .sweetthing.

Angels Are Made From Neon

♡Skin: NONNATIVE - ALLIEEyes:{Rosier} / Cruci Eyes (FATPACK)Eyebrows: IVES. Zaira Brows. (GENUS) 'FATPACK'Nose Contour: -CIRCUS- Lovely Nose Contour! Lips: TOP1SALON - HD MIA LIPSTICK (Genus) V1Hair: MIWAS - Hair #Iris 'FATPACK' -  Equal10 Jaw & Collar: CURELESS[+] Sentient Jaw & CollarWings: Sweet Thing. MegaMecha WingsCrystals: :[P]:- Kinins CrystalsOutfit: [Val'More] - Gandz Set - @EPIPHANY♡ ...

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In .sweetthing., CURELESS [+]

A beautiful night

♡Neko Ears: Sweet Thing. Neko Ears (Bento) 1.2Hair: bonbon - chiyo hair (naturals). Nails: toksik - Angelic Nails (Bento) Tattoo: CURELESS [+] Healed Cherry Blooms (v.1)Collar: AsteroidBox. Aluna Collar - Fatpack Shawl & Butterflies: + Summer Night Shawl & Butterflies + {aii}Umbrella: Luas Hanako Umbrella RAREKimono: -Paradiso- KimonoDress Gacha @Okinawa New Year Festival ...

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